

Why things are always better than you think they are

When persistence meets patience and kindness

Michael Caine reads “If” by Rudyard Kipling

The secret sauce to building a movement

Lifestyle Design

Tim Urban’s “The Tail End” is a powerful visual frame for how much time we have left

Why knowing what your city is whispering matters

Time Management

Why quitting is precisely what winners sometimes do

Why you need to be less reachable


Jamie Foxx on the Tim Ferriss Show

Have a laugh

Rowan Atkinson is, indeed, Mr. Bean

…when he’s not playing Gerald the Gorilla

One of the few TED talks that is both entertaining and actually useful

If Pride and Prejudice happened on Facebook

Know Thyself

Scott Adams explains the concept of the “talent stack”

Personality Test developed by Adam Grant (and others) and sponsored by Ray Dalio

DISC test sponsored by Tony Robbins

Favorite Film Scenes

How Not to Propose

Hans Zimmer and Christopher Nolan end Dunkirk with the words of Winston Churchill

…the same duo create a thrilling docking sequence in space

…and create a captivating scene in the middle of a set of dreams

…and end that dream

…and end a genre-defining trilogy

The opening montage of Midnight in Paris

Opening Credit Sequence for A Man for All Seasons (1966)


Wilkins Coffee…or Else!


Ed Sheeran, Johnny McDaid, and Steve Mac explain how they built Shape of You

Ellie Goulding performs an acoustic version of Lights

…and discusses the development of her voice many years later

Moments in Sport

Robert Lewandowski scores five in nine minutes